Is it possible to use <nuxt-link> in content rendered with v-html?

24th March 2024 • 6 min read — by Aleksandar Trpkovski

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If you've used Vue or Nuxt, you're likely familiar with the v-html directive. This is used to dynamically insert HTML content into an element. It takes a string value containing HTML tags and text, replacing the inner HTML of the target element with this content.

One limitation of v-html is that it does not allow you to render <nuxt-link>. Instead, all <a> HTML tags do not use the native Vue router.

However, we can address this limitation by writing our own directive. This will allow all <a> tags to be converted into <nuxt-link>.

Thanks to Nuxt and its plugin system, we can easily expand the functionality of Nuxt. Let's get started.

Create a Nuxt plugin

Within the root of your Nuxt application, create a /plugins directory. In this directory, create a file named nuxt-html.ts. The following logic will be added to this file:

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
    nuxtApp.vueApp.directive("nuxtHtml", {
        mounted(el: HTMLElement, binding) {
            el.innerHTML = assignAnchorsIds(binding.value);
        updated(el, binding) {
            el.innerHTML = assignAnchorsIds(binding.value);
        unmounted() {

Let's break down the code above to understand each part:

  • defineNuxtPlugin: This function creates a Nuxt plugin, making its features available throughout the application.
  • nuxtApp.vueApp.directive: This registers a custom Vue directive called nuxtHtml. We can use v-nuxt-html later in the .vue file.

Directive Lifecycle Hooks:

  • mounted: Executes when the element using the directive is inserted into the DOM.
  • updated: Executes when the value bound to the directive changes.
  • unmounted: Executes when the element is removed from the DOM.

Next, let's examine the key functions we'll use within our directive: assignAnchorsIds, convertAnchorToNuxtLink, and removeListeners. We'll add these functions in the nuxt-html.ts, above the plugin definition.

const idsWithListeners = new Set<string>();

function generateUuid() {
    return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,
            v = c === "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
        return v.toString(16);

function assignAnchorsIds(html: string) {
    const domParser = new DOMParser();
    const doc = domParser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
    const anchors = doc.querySelectorAll("a");

    anchors.forEach((anchor) => {
        if (!anchor.hasAttribute("id")) {
            anchor.setAttribute("id", generateUuid());
    return doc.documentElement.outerHTML;

function convertAnchorToNuxtLink(html: HTMLElement) {
    const anchors = html.querySelectorAll("a");

    anchors.forEach((anchor) => {
        if ( && !idsWithListeners.has( {
            const link = document.getElementById(;

            link?.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
                const to = anchor.getAttribute("href");
                if (to) {

            // Add the ID to the Set

function removeListeners() {
    idsWithListeners.forEach((id) => {
        const link = document.getElementById(id);
        link?.removeEventListener("click", () => {});

Now, let's delve into the specifics of each function and understand how they contribute to the overall functionality of the directive.

  • assignAnchorsIds:
    • Parses the provided HTML string into a DOM document.
    • Identifies anchor elements (<a>) without IDs.
    • Assigns unique IDs (using generateUuid) to those anchors for tracking and linking.
    • Returns the modified HTML string.
  • convertAnchorToNuxtLink:
    • Finds anchor elements within a given HTML element.
    • Identifies anchors with IDs that haven't been handled yet.
    • Attaches click event listeners to those anchors:
      • Prevents default browser behaviour (page reload).
      • Retrieves the anchor's href attribute.
      • Utilises Nuxt's $router to programmatically navigate to the specified route, effectively converting basic anchors into Nuxt-powered navigation links.
  • removeListeners:
    • Iterates through the IDs of anchors with event listeners.
    • Removes the click event listeners to prevent memory leaks or unintended behaviour.

Using the v-nuxt-html directive

Now, we can use our v-nuxt-html as follows in our .vue file:

<script setup lang="ts">
    const htmlString = ref(`
<h1>Example Heading</h1>
<p>Example Paragraph</p>
<a href="/example-1">Example 1</a>
<a href="/example-2">Example 2</a>
<a href="/example-3">Example 3</a>`);

    onMounted(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            htmlString.value = `
            <h1>Example Heading</h1>
            <p>Example Paragraph</p>
            <a href="/example-1">Example 1</a>
            <a href="/example-2">Example 2</a>
            <a href="/example-3">Example 3</a>
            <a href="/example-4">Example 4</a>`;
        }, 4000);

        <div v-nuxt-html="htmlString"></div>

Alright, let's break down the code above piece by piece, so we can get a good grasp on how everything fits together.

  • Dynamic HTML Content: The code defines a ref named htmlString that holds HTML content as a string. This allows for dynamic updates to the displayed HTML.
  • Initial Render:
    • The template section includes a div element containing another div with the v-nuxt-html directive applied.
    • When the component mounts, the initial value of htmlString (defined in the script setup section) is used.
    • The v-nuxt-html directive intercepts this and performs the following actions:
      • It parses the HTML string using the assignAnchorsIds function. This ensures any anchor (<a>) elements without IDs are assigned unique ones.
      • It then calls the convertAnchorToNuxtLink function. This function finds the anchors within the parsed HTML and attaches click event listeners to them.
      • When an anchor with a href attribute is clicked, the event listener:
        • Prevents default behavior (stopping the browser from navigating away from the current page).
        • Extracts the href attribute value (e.g., /example-1).
        • Uses Nuxt's router ($router) to programmatically navigate to the specified route, effectively turning the anchor into a Nuxt link.
  • Dynamic Update: After a 4-second delay using setTimeout, the htmlString is updated with a new string containing an additional anchor element (<a href="/example-4">Example 4</a>).
  • Re-rendering and Event Listener Management:
    • The component re-renders due to the change in htmlString.
    • The v-nuxt-html directive again parses and processes the updated HTML.
    • Importantly, the directive's unmounted lifecycle hook ensures any previously attached event listeners are removed using the removeListeners function. This prevents memory leaks and unintended behavior when the HTML content changes.


Using the v-html directive in a Nuxt application has a limitation - it doesn't render <nuxt-link>. You can overcome this by creating a custom Vue directive named v-nuxt-html. This directive helps convert all <a> HTML tags into <nuxt-link> behaviour, enabling dynamic, interactive HTML content in a Nuxt application. The code for this is available in the following GitHub repository here.


© Aleksandar Trpkovski