GSAP Animation with Vue 3 and Vite

14th Apr 2022

GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) is the most robust JavaScript animation library to date that allows developers to animate literally any DOM element with a breeze. GSAP provides an API that can be used for complex animation to be created. Hence, is still supported by all major browsers. In comparison to CSS animation, sequencing in GSAP is very easy. So let's have a look at GSAP. We are going to use GSAP in a Vue 3 project. We will use Vite as a build tool. In this blog article, we are going to animate DOM elements. GSAP is also capable of animating SVG, Canvas, WebGL, JS object etc. The full documentation of GSAP can be found at this.

Style Binding in SFC in Vue 3

14th Sep 2021

For a long time, Vue as a framework had a built-in feature of binding inline styles in HTML templates. But what has changed since the new Vue 3.2 release is that we can now also use the existing v-bind syntax with reactive variables inside our <style> tag in the .vue files aka Single File Components (SFC). Let's take a look how can we do that. With the two examples above, we saw how easy it was to implement a style binding using v-bind syntax in Vue 3.2. But the question is, how has Vue allowed for this? If we inspect the elements in the DevTools of the browser, we will see that all elements used v-bind have their inline styles with CSS variable in them.